Children’s Ministry
At CCC we believe our kids are precious to God and a vital organism of the church. Our staff and team of screened volunteers are committed to help kids learn how their relationship with Christ affects everything about who they are and the life they live.
All Preschool (potty trained) through 6th grade join their families for worship then are dismissed to their age appropriate classes. Kids will be led by servant-hearted teachers who will teach and explore who God is, and how He loves them deeply. They will have opportunities each Sunday to read and understand God’s Word all while having fun in the process.
From Nursery to 6th grade a welcoming and safe environment is one of our highest priorities.

Our purpose is to provide a learning environment that encourages children to come to know Jesus through the basics of the Christian Faith. This is accomplished in a classroom setting with motivated, dedicated & loving teachers who have fun with the kids through Bible lesson worship, and games!
We meet every Sunday from 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Please see our events calendar for our current and special events.
Curriculum: Our Sunday School curriculum, The Biggest Story, is designed to study God’s entire redemptive plan, from Genesis to Revelation. Every week, each classroom will study the same passage at an age appropriate level. This enables families to discuss the lessons all together, reinforcing what the children have learned in Sunday School.
Follow our Instagram page ccc_moorpark_kids for weekly updates on the Sunday School lessons.

Nursery care is provided for children newborn to 3 years old during our Sunday service. Our nursery provides a safe, loving, and nurturing environment for your children.
For more information please contact our office administrator at
216 Moorpark Ave., Moorpark, CA 93021 Phone: 805.529.3572